
adhesive tape Learn more about adhesive tape

  • Correction and treatment of eight-leg and intestinal hernia in delivery room piglets with medical tape (figure)

    Correction and treatment of eight-leg and intestinal hernia in delivery room piglets with medical tape (figure)

    Correction and treatment of eight-leg and intestinal hernia in delivery room piglets with medical tape (figure)

  • Transparent glue is so easy to use life tips that many people don't know.

    Transparent glue is so easy to use life tips that many people don't know.

    It's a pity that every family has scotch tape only for gluing things. Don't look at the little piece of scotch glue. It has a lot of wonderful uses that you can't think of.

  • How can green roses hang on the wall? There are many ways to learn green radish fertilizer fat big all over the wall

    How can green roses hang on the wall? There are many ways to learn green radish fertilizer fat big all over the wall

    Green radish is a relatively shade-resistant plant, but also can purify the air good maintenance, so many small partners like to get a pot at home, and with the development of home improvement now, many people in the decoration of the house or transformation of the room, want to use plants directly hit...

  • Bending skills in bonsai modeling

    Bending skills in bonsai modeling

    The bending of branches has always been one of the key techniques to be mastered in bonsai modeling, and the quality of bonsai skeleton determines its value in most cases; taking bending as an important means of shaping bonsai skeleton can also reflect its profound ability to make bonsai.

  • Techniques for planting Tremella fuciformis

    Techniques for planting Tremella fuciformis

    Tremella fuciformis, also known as Tremella fuciformis, Tremella fuciformis and so on, belongs to the genus Tremella of fungal family Tremella. It is the fruiting body of basidiomycete fungus, and has the laudatory name of the crown of fungi. Let's take a look at the planting techniques of Tremella fuciformis. 1. Ingredients. Culture material for planting Tremella fuciformis

    2020-11-08 Planting Tremella technical also known as white fungus white
  • Give yourself a tape DIY retro medical notes

    Give yourself a tape DIY retro medical notes

    The mystery of the human body wants to explore the mysteries of the human body? Collage your own medical notes? You need a set of scientific and beautiful tape. Stamp the picture to open the fruit shell store Mini Program to explain to yourself a roll of tape, a roll of bones, a roll of organs and two replicas.

  • Describe in detail what rosemary is.

    Describe in detail what rosemary is.

    Describe in detail what rosemary is.

  • Fixed Point cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in Field

    Fixed Point cultivation techniques of Ganoderma lucidum in Field

    Ganoderma lucidum is a traditional medicinal fungus in China, which was known as "fairy grass" a long time ago. In recent years, with the further development and research of Ganoderma lucidum, and in the increasingly developed modern society, people's desire to prolong life is getting stronger and stronger, so its market prospect is promising. The cultivation of Ganoderma lucidum in the field is a model of growing Ganoderma lucidum in empty parent rice fields. Practice has proved that according to planting 120000 bags per hectare, the profit can reach 10,000 yuan in half a year. Here, we can adjust the structure of agricultural industrialization and cultivate new economic growth in rural areas.

  • How to make the strain of Tremella fuciformis?

    How to make the strain of Tremella fuciformis?

    How to make the strain of Tremella fuciformis? Please introduce the method of planting Tremella fuciformis with a wide range of raw materials and easy to obtain, so it has a bright future. A peasant family, as long as the use of 15 square meters of 2 houses, one can plant 2500 bags, a year can grow 6 batches, a net profit of more than 8000 yuan. Every 100 kg of cottonseed hulls or sawdust can be collected.

  • Treatment measures of Lentinus edodes bag pollution

    Treatment measures of Lentinus edodes bag pollution

    The bacterial bag should be turned 4-5 times during indoor culture, the first time at 6-7 days after inoculation, and then every 7-10 days. Check the miscellaneous bacteria carefully when turning the bag and deal with it in time. Only sporadic or filamentous colonies of miscellaneous bacteria appear at the mouth or folds of the bacterial bag with mild pollution. If there is no spread, the injection syringe can absorb 50 ml of 75% alcohol and 30 ml mixture of 36% formaldehyde, inject the injured area, and gently massage the surface with fingers to soak the liquid into the body of miscellaneous bacteria, and then stick the injection mouth with adhesive tape. Inoculation hole contaminated miscellaneous bacteria

  • Storage skills of new tea

    Storage skills of new tea

    1. Quicklime storage method. Wrap and tie the tea in thin Kraft paper, arrange the layered ring around the dry and closed ceramic altar, put the quicklime bag in the middle of the tea bag, seal the jar mouth, and place the altar in a dry and cool place. The raw lime bag is changed every 1-2 months, so that the tea can be preserved for a long time without going bad. two。 Charcoal storage method. Put the charcoal 1kg into a small cloth bag, put it into the bottom of the tile altar or small iron box, then arrange the packaged tea on it layer by layer, until the jar is full, and then seal the jar mouth. Wood

  • How to deal with the cut of Bonsai stump

    How to deal with the cut of Bonsai stump

    Recently, the editor has received a lot of questions, one of which is the following editor to sort out the steps on how to deal with the incision of bonsai stump. I hope these methods can help you. Step reading method / step 1 first, buy a book.

  • Emergency methods for common failures of agricultural machinery and tools

    Emergency methods for common failures of agricultural machinery and tools

    Emergency methods for common failures of agricultural machinery and tools

  • Planting and cultivation techniques of Tremella fuciformis

    Planting and cultivation techniques of Tremella fuciformis

    Tremella fuciformis is planted with a wide range of raw materials and easy to obtain, so it has a bright future. A peasant family, as long as the use of 15 square meters of 2 houses, one can plant 2500 bags, a year can grow 6 batches, a net profit of more than 8000 yuan. 1618 kg of dried Tremella can be collected for every 100 kg of cottonseed hull or miscellaneous sawdust. Its main technology is as follows:.

  • Storage method of new tea

    Storage method of new tea

    When the new tea is listed on the market every spring, the general family buys it in a larger quantity, but it can not be used up for a while because of its large quantity. The following methods can be used for storage: 1. Quicklime storage is the most commonly used and convenient method for tea storage. The method is to use a tasteless small tin bucket or a dry, clean and odorless tile altar and clay pot (preferably with the green sand altar produced in Yixing), put quicklime into a cloth bag and seal it into a lime bag. Before putting the tea, roast it over a gentle fire in order to fully dry the tea.

  • Ring peeling Cuttage technique of Rose-Diagram of Rose girdling Propagation

    Ring peeling Cuttage technique of Rose-Diagram of Rose girdling Propagation

    Ring peeling is ring peeling, that is, after peeling off the root, the nutrients on the trunk will not flow back to the root in autumn and winter. In the spring, the plants sprouted and the nutrients from the roots were transported upwards. By the time the wound peeled off last year healed, the flowers on the tree had already bloomed and the young fruit was ready. Ring peeling

  • How much is the latest price of gallnut for "Dusheng Powder"? What are the effects and effects? What's the difference between Schisandra chinensis and Schisandra chinensis?

    How much is the latest price of gallnut for

    Gallnut, also known as salt wood, mountain sycamore, is a relatively common medicine in China, it can treat dermatitis, night sweats, cervical erosion and other diseases and is widely used as medicine, the latest price of gallnut how much per jin? What are the effects and effects? And Schisandra chinensis.

    2020-11-09 Gallnut latest price more less money one jin
  • How to peel off the old wallpaper? I'll give you a few tricks.

    How to peel off the old wallpaper? I'll give you a few tricks.

    The following first introduces several ways to remove the old wallpaper. 1 choose an inconspicuous corner at the top of the wall and lift the wallpaper with the tip of the knife. Try to get as close to the wall as possible, hold the corner of the wallpaper and try to remove it from.

  • How to raise caterpillars

    How to raise caterpillars

    Caterpillars generally refer to the larvae of Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). Some larvae have a lot of poisonous bristles, and their skin will be red and swollen if they touch it. So, how to raise caterpillars? First of all, find a container, preferably with a lid

    2020-11-11 Caterpillar how raise caterpillar general refers to scale wing order moth
  • High-yield planting techniques of Lentinus edodes

    High-yield planting techniques of Lentinus edodes

    The common formula of culture material is mixed sawdust or mulberry branch powder, cottonseed hull, Reed, Osmunda Osmunda, grass powder such as 78%, wheat bran or bran plus rice bran 20%, gypsum, sugar 1% each.
